Back In Bali

This will be the first blog post on the Human Hero website (The third iteration of the HH website. The only finished version of the HH website.) That’s something to celebrate.

I haven’t given up yet. It’s going on seven years since this idea of ‘HUman Hero’ first came about - lying in bed after sex, when all those big feelings that are powerful enough to propel you forward into a previously unreachable headspace.

Maybe thats what this space is for. Unloading and giving updates on whats going on. Here we go.

Building a business is fucking hard! - especially one that revolves around helping people. How do you find the balance between being selfless and trying to earn a living for your self?

Besides morning pages, I haven’t written in months. Finishing the first draft of a book is no small feat. It was a relief. I should be more proud of myself. I feel burnt out. SUndays are hard for me. Rest is hard for me. Bali is kind and sweet, but also confrontational. She Creeps up behind my shadow and Shoves him forward onto the bright concrete.

it’s what she does. like a siren - she calls you in with her sweet sweet song and then ensares you with all her beauty. you get lost in the pink and purple sunsets that melt into green and yellow rice paddies. But you must pay the price with your growth.

How I missed her! HAHA

It’s good to be back here. SO many good things are coming. So many good things are alReady here. Sometimes just saying that is all you need to do.

The words give you permission to feel it.

It’s one week til I launch this Beyond Movement Pilot. I’ve been working my ass off, I’m realzing, For years now. I’m proud of what I’ve created. It’s all the knowledge I’ve acquired over the years, all of the inspiration, all of the art, all of the lessons, and ass-whoopings, and alingment adjustments - packaged together in a 7-week community building experiment.

That’s really what human hero is I think - HUMAN HEROEs - its an inclusive community where certain values and principles are upheld.

Every week I speak to a therapist online. Kinda crazy to think that a few years ago, that would have been taboo to say. to some people it still is But why? Dedicated time, time you pay for, to just lay it all out on the table and then see it from far back. There is so much value in that.

When we speak about HUman Heroes, my therapist always says that I need to create a set of principles for the brand, for the business. i think of them as the foundation for everything that comes next.

ANd he’s right.

But I’m fearful to share them here Because here i can be judged. Once I put them out there, OUT here, I can’t take them back.

NO, I can’t take them back. WHAT I can DO iS build on them. I can grow with them. I can trust that I can uphold them.

that’s enough for today. it’s sunday. time for meditation. reflection. prayer. Screen-less.

Off to Tanah Lot.